1. Name:
    1. The name of this organization shall be the Utah Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (hereinafter referred to as “UACEP”).
  2. Purpose:
    1. The purpose of UACEP is to improve and promote the quality, value and advocacy of concurrent enrollment programs in the state of Utah. UACEP shall provide a forum for higher education and public education institutions to share best practices, provide training and disseminate information regarding concurrent enrollment.
  3. Membership:
    1. Members shall consist of Utah institutions of higher education and public education.
    2. Classes of Membership:
      1. Regular Member: A Utah institution of higher education or public education that has voting rights and whose members may serve as an officer of the organization.
      2. Associate Member: Other interested individuals, organizations, or state representatives. Associate members do not have voting rights and may not serve as an officer of the organization.
  1. Dues and Other Assessments:
    1. UACEP reserves the right to collect membership dues in order to cover the cost of organizing and conducting meetings for the membership.
    2. The amount of the annual member dues shall be determined by a majority vote of the members of the organization.
    3. UACEP reserves the right to waive membership dues for associate members.
    4. Special assessments may be charged to members for attendance at meetings or conferences which have a higher cost to be conducted than normally covered by annual membership dues. Special assessments charged to attend a meeting or conference shall be made known at the time members sign up to attend such events.
    5. Members shall be responsible to cover their own cost of travel (mileage and meals) to attend UACEP events.
  2. Elected Officers and Duties:
    1. Officers:
      1. The officers of UACEP shall be Higher Education Chairman, Public Education Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
      2. Secretary and Treasure are appointed offices.
      3. The officers shall be members of institutions that are active regular members of UACEP.
    2. Higher Education and Public Education Chairs:
      1. The Higher Education and Public Education Chairs are nominated by members of their sister institutions (i.e. members of higher education nominate a higher education chair and members of public education nominate a public education chair) and then elected by a majority vote of the regular membership during the members meeting at the annual UACEP conference.
      2. The Higher Education and Public Education Chairs shall serve two-year terms which may be repeated.
      3. The Higher Education and Public Education Chair positions are designed to be offset such that one position is filled each year.
      4. The Chairs shall:
        1. Coordinate administrative activities of UACEP.
        2. Organize and convene regularly scheduled meetings and conferences.
        3. Represent UACEP and conduct the business of UACEP in accordance with these by-laws.
        4. Charge and make appointments to committees as needed.
        5. Approve expenses and access of the organization funds in accordance with the fiscal agent’s policies and in conjunction with the organizations Treasurer co- approval.
    3. Secretary and Treasurer
      1. The secretary and treasure shall:
        1. Be nominated jointly by the Higher Education and Public Education Chairs and confirmed by the regular members present at a regular meeting or conference of UACEP. Regular members who are interested in serving as Secretary or Treasurer shall discuss their intentions with the Higher Education and Public Education Chairs.
        2. Serve a one-year term which is repeatable.
      2. The secretary shall:
        1. Record and prepare the proceedings of any gathering of UACEP as needed and distribute materials to the members as needed following the meeting. Normally communications to members shall be done through email.
        2. Prepare official correspondence as required by UACEP.
        3. Be responsible for the membership roster.
        4. Submit annual reports to NACEP as required.
        5. Keep an updated copy of these by-laws as amended which can be made available to all members.
      3. The treasurer shall:
        1. Report annually on the membership roll and financial status of UACEP.
        2. Access and assist in the management of the organization’s funds in accordance with the policies of the fiscal agent.
        3. Submit financial reports to NACEP as required.
        4. Send an email notice to members reminding them of the need to pay dues.
  1. Focus Group Committee:
    1. There shall be a standing committee of UACEP called the Focus Group which shall meet as needed to plan upcoming meetings, conferences and events for the Organization. The Officers of UACEP will be members of the Focus Group along with any members of the Organization who attend a Focus Group meeting.
  2. Meetings of UACEP:
    1. UACEP shall normally meet as a whole three times annually.
    2. UACEP shall meet at a time and place designated by the Officers in conjunction with the Focus Group Committee.
    3. The majority of regular members present and voting at a regularly scheduled meeting or conference shall be sufficient to carry any matter before UACEP.
  3. Amendments:
    1. Proposed amendments to these by-laws may be presented by email to the Officers at least 60 days prior to a scheduled meeting or conference of UACEP.
    2. The secretary shall send an email notification to all members of proposed amendments within five days of such proposed amendment being received by the Officers.
    3. Proposed amendments may be approved at any regular meeting or conference by a 2/3 vote of the regular members present, or by absentee ballots received by the secretary prior to the meeting, provided a minimum of 30 days’ notice of any amendment shall have been sent to each member.
    4. Tabulations of the votes shall be made by the secretary and reported prior to the end of a meeting or conference at which such vote was taken.
  4. Certification
    1. These By-Laws were approved by a 2/3 majority vote of regular members who participated in a regularly scheduled meeting of UACEP held on March 2, 2016. The proposed By-Laws shall have been distributed to the members via email at least 30 days prior to the meeting or conference at which they are to be considered for certification. Changes or amendments to the proposed by-laws may be made by motion during the certification meeting or conference before the vote shall be taken.