The purpose of Concurrent Enrollment (CE) is to provide a challenging college-level experience for students in their last two years of high school. Course offerings in Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, Fine Arts, Humanities, World Languages, Career and Technical programs, and Education have been implemented in high schools throughout the state. Last year, more than 27,000 high school juniors and seniors in our state earned over 188,000 college level credit hours.

To register for concurrent enrollment courses, students must meet with a high school counselor. Registration for concurrent enrollment is a two-part process. First, students need parental permission to register for a CE course. That documentation must be provided to their high school. Secondly, students will be required to complete an application for the institution of higher learning that is offering the course. There may be a one-time application fee charged by the institution. This fee will not have to be paid a second time should a student choose to attend this institution as a higher education student after graduation.

Students who need additional assistance with the CE application process should speak to their high school counselor or CE course instructor.